2021: New World

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Enlightened Ones,

I once again apologize for the lateness of this opening statement. You can imagine with all the chaos of the first week of 2021 that a lot got in the way of this artist’s blog. I really needed to soak in what was happening for a moment. I am finally ready to start sharing my reflections.

There is no doubt in my heart and mind that we’re in a New World Order of tyranny.

Every day I wake up and it seems another right is being violated, and our overlords sell us out by the trillions. I have been spending more and more time on preparedness than ever in my life, because last year we had our first wake-up call when the stores were out of essentials and ammo is still not in stock.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

It has been such a tumultuous year and it’s just begun. Riding off the back of the worst year the world has seen in my lifetime, and managing to still make some significant strides towards success in my own little world, its hard to stay happy about any small victory for long. It seems as soon as I get a breath, I’m pulled back down by the undertow of current affairs.

There are agendas at play in the world that are so much bigger than me. What can I possibly offer?

Well, art is a release from the pain of the world for me. But at the same time, it can focus on pain, and serve as a beacon of hope or at least reveal truth…as ugly as it can be sometimes. I have always used subtile symbolism to incorporate my thoughts about what is important to me. I have always been intrigued about the dynamics of an interconnected system of energy and the life cycles that we individuals experience as well as society and nature.

So let me just say this:

I am finally getting old enough, and battle-tested enough to care less about naysayers. What I feel compelled to illuminate with my attention is not for everyone. However, I am eternally thankful and respectful of others, no matter if they agree with me or not. It was always my hope that the respect would be reciprocated if I ever felt the need to share my thoughts. I found out last year, that is not the case with many. More about this perhaps in another post.

I am tired of tiptoeing around other’s fragile egos, in fear that my career will suffer over it. This is no way to live and perhaps why I have felt kind of stuck in some ways. It is a betrayal of my inner light, to extinguish my radiance because I might burn a little too bright for some who haven’t adjusted their eyes. For those who are living in darkness, it is not my work to dim my light. I am going to shine and I know that some people are just too tuned into the television to understand where I’m coming from.

They are choosing to stay plugged into the Matrix.

I have chosen a harder pill to swallow. That’s okay with me now. I’m ready to be my authentic self, more than ever before. That means I will shed some dead weight off my essence. Does that bother you? Then you can’t handle the truth!

Accept people who see things differently. Learn to love debate and find out if you’re wrong. Enjoy the pursuit of knowledge.

I don’t want to believe,

I want to know.

-Carl Sagan

So that has to be part of my mantra this year. In being more honest with myself, my work will become more aligned with my spirit and make me happier, one way or another. If that means I can’t make a living as an artist anymore, so be it. It hasn’t been that great of a living so far anyway. Most people so critical of me never spent a dime on me anyway. (Using your mom’s credit card doesn’t count.)

One thing I definitely must get off my chest:

I am not cool with censorship and Cancel Culture. It is the most uncool thing I can even imagine. All it proves is that your ideas don’t hold up to someone else’s. When the only way to win an argument is to silence your opponents, you are not winning, you are proving that your ideas are weak, cannot stand up to the scrutiny of fair debate, and do not resonate with reality or the majority of people who have the capacity to discern using their own logic. If your ideas are sound, it will resonate.

Truth always wins the day, eventually.

The church condemned Galileo for pompously proving the Earth revolved around the sun but eventually his findings became common knowledge. So just because the supposed “scientific establishment” agrees on something that I can deduce is bollocks by my own logic, doesn’t mean I should go against my better judgement.

Think for yourself. Question authority.

Last year we saw the biggest power transfer from small businesses, like me, to the elites and their cronies than ever before. Not because of a virus, but because of a draconian response to a virus. I’m not cool with where this is going either. Isn’t it obvious why me, an artist would feel this way? I have gambled my life on my merits. I believed that if I worked hard enough, and put out something of value it would resonate and I would be taken care of. So there’s my lesson too. Apparently I haven’t done that to the degree that reaps the rewards I feel I am worthy of.

I take responsibility for my life.

I take this challenge every year and honestly, I wouldn’t want the reward if I didn’t deserve it. That would take all the excitement out of life. Hopefully I can refine my process, adjust my focus, and get it right this year or decade. God I hope I still have a chance at it this year. Each day I wake up feeling blessed that I have a house, food, and people who love me -the real me- and my work, regardless of any disagreements.

Then I remember where we are as a society.

And I begin thinking about all the things I need to do to prepare for a system collapse. It takes a lot of guarding my mental health to not slip into depression again. So I have to meditate more and work harder. I have to remember I was born in the country that produced the innovation that is taking men to Mars, and allows me to write this and for you to read it. The greatest achievements of our species came from freedom. We’ve accomplished a lot. Are we ready to give it all up? Has life been that easy that we’ve forgotten how good we have it? I think so.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

How is this year looking for you?

How are you adjusting to the New Word?

check out my Artist Self Quarantine Documentary if you haven’t yet.

5 Replies to “2021: New World”

  1. Hello Vincent,

    Thank you for the work you’ve done over the years to inspire and bring healthy challenges to the mind of anyone engaged in your art. I’m a big fan of your work; always excited about what’s to come…
    I also resonate with many of your observations about our shared reality. And personally have come to a realization: Awakening comes in many colors and flavors.

    I’ve been navigating rabbit holes of our so called awakening for a little over 15 years and with the events of 2020 have started to understand the joke is on all of us. “Awakened” or not (Diet woke.) I call it joke because who am I to believe it is my reality the one that counts? When the person next to me lives a reality that to me sounds almost absurd, but when that person looks at me and listens to how I view our present he/she sees me as the nut case.
    “Reality” is subjective and because of this, our shared “reality” is up for grabs as much as it was in the times of the first civilizations. One is here to enjoy the ride, learn from it, and travel back to the creator to keep moving in foreverness.

    It is clear that all countries follow the orders of the few. If one was not able to see it before, 2020 and the way the earth was locked and our liberties shackled in the same way and at the same time with the same narrative should be more than proof.
    So we live in a world where we do not trust governments, we do not trust mainstream medicine, military industrial complex, history/chronology, or pretty much anything coming from the controllers. It is overwhelming to me why we only believe and defend to the end what the space agencies and programs reveal to the world. Especially when their narrative comes from the same controllers. Why would they tell truth just about that? Doesn’t make sense to me. And that is why I have traveled down that rabbit hole and have come out a geocentric out of that place.

    Let me explain a little more about this because I think it’s the only place where we differ.

    Maybe this is why Plato wishes his republic to be a place governed by natural philosophers. He places democracy a the lowest tier of social control. Many of our foundations of world economics, politics, morals, etc. come from these Greco-Roman individuals (who’s existence is highly questionable in my book but will be for another conversation,) people who knew they lived in a geocentric world and had technology like the astrolabe and the Antikythera* Mechanism. Their maps all show a finite world surrounded by waters, a world where giant snakes would eat any travelers beyond the limits of the know. Yes, Erastothenes is placed here and much is to be said about his story (he believed in parallel sun rays which we never see; we only see crepuscular. And this is another hole for another day.)

    The term science comes from those days where science and natural philosophy were the same. The word science comes from scientia which means “to know.” Science does not say or have an opinion. Science is a method and should always be supported by the scientific method: natural phenomena observed, hypothesis, dependent/independent/controlled variables assigned, experiment over and overAND OVER, and at the end one can validate the hypothesis or the null.
    Taking this into account we should empower ourselves and know that anyone can be a scientist. We are all scientists because we all observe and ask ourselves. The problem is that we are scared of the controllers and the construct they have built around us. We place them in a pedestal and believe all their stories without testing ourselves.

    The more I learn about my reality, the more I understand to myself that I have to prove to myself what is not. We live in a world of assumption and definitely but “Reality” seems to be much more complicated than that.

    Werner Heisenberg, Quantum Physics Nobel price winner “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you”

    You mentioned Galileo’s story and I’ll just take you here:


    Check out Guy Consolmagno (last name means “with the greatest sun.” Hehe.)

    Galileo’s story is not what they taught us to be. There is more to this story (like all heliocentrism being Jesuit -Galileo, Coppernicus, Lemaitre, maximillian hell, etc., etc.)

    I stand today with many new questions about our existence, but with a firmer understanding of what science is and how I can find the truths it can reveal if used properly. If one can find a proper breakdown of the scientific method by Newton, Einstein, Darwin, etc. I would be willing to call what they did science. If one can find hypothesis stated and scientific method experiments on the fields of astrophysics, astronomy, evolution, paleontology, geology, etc. They could be called sciences.
    Unfortunately none of them do because they have not seen the natural phenomena (they would need a time machine,) and they have not established their variables to carry out the experiments and testing. Because none of this has been done, none of these can enter the realm of natural sciences and belong in the pseudo scientific realm. All good. They can be and forward the religious cult they gave birth to, but in the earth of true science, they are nothing but dust of the past.


    Newton on gravity:

    “Tis unconceivable that inanimate brute matter should (without the mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon & affect other matter without mutual contact; as it must if gravitation in the sense of Epicurus be essential & inherent in it. And this is one reason why I desired you would not ascribe {innate} gravity to me. That gravity should be innate inherent & {essential} to matter so that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of any thing else by & through which their action or force {may} be conveyed from one to another is to me so GREAT AN ABSURDITY that I beleive no man who has in philosophical matters any competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it…”

    Newton’s gravity has been done and taken over by Einstein, and today Einstein is being unveiled as another bunk by the Electric Universe Scientific proof (this for another talk, but I know you have already started to look into.)

    So which is the biggest lie? Is it medicine and their unscientific science?


    Is it politics meets the alien race?

    To me it has to do with the never ending quest to understand where we stand. Not looking to the skies for answers because no man will ever see the earth in totality.
    (Here another hole for another day but believing in the moon landing is a Santa Clause story that we need to overcome as a civilization.)
    I do not know the shape of our realm. We may never know, but I do know, and can prove that it is NOT a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference. It could be a bigger ball, who knows, but I know what it is not. That confidence has been worked on for the last seven years and is only getting bigger and better. It is my reality and I do not wish to instill in anyone. We are all entitled to believe what we think we know. The problem is that the believers of mainstream science are not bringing up to the table the scientific proof of concepts like gravity (it exists, we misunderstand,) outer space (the understanding mainstream science has of outer space is a violation of the second law of thermodynamics,) the shape and composition of the ground under our feet, our chronology, and belonging to the creator.

    If you or anyone you know has the scientific proof and is confident enough to bring it up to a small community of researchers eager to see the proof and document the answers to move forward in science, please share this channel and join the conversation!


    Quantum Eraser. He’s a little stern sometimes but aren’t we all sometimes.

    Here’s a good example of the last physics professor trying to defend mainstream without really knowing and understanding what he defends.


    I apologize if this has been too unorganized. The format and timing is not the best for me but really wanted to share my two cents.

    Best to you and to yours,

    1. Thanks a lot Carlos for the in-depth thoughts. Enough to make a whole blog post on its own! I always welcome this kind of debate. Yes, we may see some things differently but the most important thing I see that we are aligned on is we are pursuing knowledge and are open to be proven wrong. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and will check out the links as well.

      One thing too, I’d like to point out is one country, Sweden, is the only I’m aware of that didn’t lockdown and hasn’t imposed any mask mandates or anything that encroaches on liberty. The results are quite telling. They haven’t had a epidemic outbreak. That says everything we need to know right there.

      I’m especially interested in the UChicago article as I studied Galileo extensively for the shirt we just put out (in the shop!). Just for the record, I carefully put that he was pompous, as from what I read, that was mostly what got him in trouble.


  2. I get the feeling you are proud to be sharing your thoughts versus using the expression you’re most comfortable in. You’re a very skilled artist, Fink, I’m glad to see you dabbling in other mediums to express your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas.

    I’ve long fallen out of the mindset of identifying our ‘system’ as the enemy. While, I imagine, there’s certainly failures in capitalism and many other unknowns…well, being in constant fight for my safety was countering the very thing I sought – peace.

    I am no longer arming myself with information and meddling in any rabbit hole other than the one that belongs to exploring my possibilities while maintaining a sense of ease and balance in the ebb and flow that is a constant in living.

    While I don’t feel entirely resonant and ecstatic with your content, I recognize this container as your expression and power. I am highly motivated by your effort and care for your inner-self. That is what stands out to me and to me the most important – the reflection of growth and of course witnessing yourself and allowing yourself to be witnessed.

    Much love to you, Fink.

    1. Thank you so much for the response Rose!

      The voluntary exchange of goods and services is about as natural as life can get. Indigenous people practice it today and this goes back to prehistory. It is much like how evolution works too: Reward for that which serves well and extinction for that which does not serve well. That’s all that capitalism is, just using currency to make trade easier. The problem is crony-capitalism when The State gets involved and starts regulating the market to benefit monopolies (Google, Amazon, etc.) and restrict others to the point where bailouts occur for their corporate and bankster buddies while We The People foot the bill dealing with the massive inflation it causes. Government should be breaking up monopolies, not helping them, so everyone still has freedom to compete.

      So, although I believe the love of money/power is the root of all evil, I see the over-reach of government to be a greater evil that must be countered in order to live a peaceful life. I can’t have peace if I’m thrown in a gulag or concentration (FEMA)camp.

      We must protect our energy too, so I get that you don’t want to fight this battle. Trust me, I’ve avoided it my whole life. But to remain silent is to give consent. This has created misery for me. My throat chakra has been blocked up for a while and releasing my voice is very liberating, even though its just on this blog and to certain people who can handle it.

      But I am not proud of this. I am actually shamed by most people I know. I just realized silence was too painful.

      I have been inspired to speak out by the few brave artists, as well as yourself in all your authenticity, and know this will encourage others to speak. Maybe change a mind. If anything it helps me build a thicker skin, which we all need. If my business gets severely damaged by this maybe I’ll concede. Or maybe I’ll just say fuck it and go all in…we’ll see.

      Love and blessings to you!

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