2020: Visions of Vitality

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I think he wanted to make order from chaos…

There’s a lot in this post, so scroll down if you want to get to moral of the story, but a lot of this is pertinent to my message:

This year’s 1st challenge: public art installation. This is one of the biggest things I’ve ever been asked to do… so here’s a teaser:

What you see is an edge joint prototype for my next giant 3D dodecahedron construction. It will be better than the first. This is a new construction plan from a brilliant friend, Tim Murphy. I am so thankful I am able to call upon someone with a life of experience in solving problems like this. If you want to do something new and do it well, its best to consult a master in the field.

This is a huge challenge for me but I believe when we push ourselves to learn something new that we dreamt about doing for a long time, like for me; physics, space, sacred geometry, and constructions, we are also pushing ourselves to grow into our best versions and make existence more bearable for everyone. Growing and pushing our boundaries is the most inspiring aspect of the human experience.

I challenge you to do something extremely difficult yet rewarding this new year! Do something you’ve been dreaming about. Make it happen. Put in the time. Pour it on. You won’t regret it.

This is one of several public art works I will have on display this year. Its time expand our horizons, ascend into higher dimensions, push our creativity to the max, and go boldly into that dark night.

Stay tuned to see how this manifests on Heights Blvd. in March. Here’s to 2020 Visions!

2019 recap

2019, you weren’t the easiest but it was a monumental year in many ways. My iphone made this montage and although it doesn’t have every great moment, there’s art, awesome people and lots of fun. This reel may cause tears in the future but, alas, enjoy!

Big thank you to everyone who made my year filled with joy and so very much worth living. Some of you are in this vid!

2020 Motivation & Morals

I made my way out to Legacy Fine Art Printers in Texas City for the best digital scans possible anywhere near Houston last week for my now totally compete Atlas Metamorphosis series. They were nice enough to schedule me in so I only had to make 1 trip, hang around for a couple hours for the scans to complete, and then head back to Houston with everything. It was a great experience all around. I packed a lunch and while I waited, visited Galveston Bay at the Tx City Dike.

I went there searching for calm, serenity, meditation and answers for the new year.

It found me there.

It seems someone was sent to deliver the message to me that day.

I explain in this video the strange coincidence:

But in case you can’t watch it, the important part are these 3 morals:


“A drunkard and a glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe one with rags.”
-Proverbs 23:21


“Stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear.”
-Matthew 6:25


“An envious man is eager for wealth, not knowing that poverty will overtake him.”
-Proverbs 28:22

The final stage is complete. But my work isn’t done.

Now it is time to deliver my message to the world.

Did any of this resonate with you?  Can you apply these 3 morals to make a better new year?
What are you challenging yourself with this year?

Let us know in the comments below.

7 Replies to “2020: Visions of Vitality”

  1. I was moved by every video & commentary! You do make an impact on others! Very valid morals to be reminded of. Especually wasting time! I shall work on that. As for application – risk-taking to reap reward instead of caving to fear I am not enough.

    1. I have been thinking about making some calculated risks myself. I gotta do something different if I want anything to change! Thank you for the comment.

  2. Wow, time well spent on reflecting on the past and thinking about the future. I started my journal/planner this year – theme is Dreams. I accomplished a lot this past decade and also overcame many obstacles/challenges so now I want to move on to what I want the next ten years of my life to be. One of my dreams to write a book – so I went exploring and found a class, women writing about life…just a small step towards the dream!
    The morals can be applied in so many ways, 1) for me turn envy into “doing” if I’m doing I’m living my own life 2) undue stress, well I’ll take with a grain of salt with new job and still looking for best job stress is inevitable right now 3) bad habits, I’m going to work on my procrastination, as I’ve gotten older things just don’t get done in a timely manner anymore (drives Adam crazy!). But I have been doing well keeping up with journal/planner at this point that’s all I can ask of myself. HAPPY 2020!!

    1. Thats great you are thinking about the larger picture. I’ve been journaling as well. It’s good to at least get your thoughts out of your head where you can see them for what they are.

      The stress you are dealing with is due. That needs to be dealt with. For me, there’s some stupid stressors like thinking about a post on Facebook, which is a complete waste of time and detrimental in ways, so I deleted the app and strictly limiting my interactions on there to my art/business.

      Time just seems to be slipping away faster and faster. Procrastination is probably at the core of it and must be defeated!


  3. My plan for 2020 is to write my book. I am taking baby steps toward my goal, but I am excited about getting there. I feel I have worked on all three of these morals…not so much envy, as in getting older I have learned to appreciate others’ achievements and have used them to spur me on in my accomplishments. Stress is less of a problem on a conscious level, but I still find that unconsciously it can bring up unresolved issues for me to still work out. Bad habits…overcommitting and scattering my energy…one of the curses of interest in many things! I am working on focusing on my main goals and learning to reluctantly eliminate those of interest that are not on my clear path now. Have a wonderful 2020 and thanks for being you!

    1. It is hard to maintain a balance of staying focused on something you’re good at and trying new things. I’m hoping this year I can do better on this as well. I feel like I need to pick between drawing and painting, at least for a year to see if maybe that can take me to the next level. It’s so hard to let go of something but I see most successful people are known for one thing they focused and honed in on… we need to figure out what our main thing is.

      What should we be known for?

      Thank you for you continued contributions!

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