Artist Talk @ Winter St. + more news

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** Artist Talk @ Winter St. Studio #B8

2101 Winter St. Houston, TX 77007
12pm-5pm Open Studios at Sawyer Yards

** ReDiscovering Winter St.

Each month the building hosts a talk with a different artist from Winter St. in their studio before our usual 2nd Saturday Open Studios event at the Sawyer Yards artist complex. This month I am in the rotation and it couldn’t be a better time…

I’ve got about 11 new 3ft x 2ft masterworks nearing completion for my solo show at Bisong Gallery next month, Sept. 8th, and we also just magically erected a wonderful removable wall in the studio that also serves as an art organizing shelf system. It’s yuge! But it actually seems to makes more space as now there’s a place for all my random materials and past sold works that I hold onto for collectors till they are ready for them.




















So this is going to be a lot of fun. I might run a projector with video showing my process as I discuss with an interviewer how and why I do what I do for a living…

The answers may astound you. So come stop by for some art, drinks, snacks and maybe catch a peak of the works for the solo show coming up as well…












Just confirmed Southern Star Brewing Company to sponsor drinks at the solo show! Now, how many of those “Interested” will switch to “going” on the FB event page ?
I need to know how much beer for them to bring…

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Solo show at Bisong Event Page
Hope to see you there!

-Vincent Fink




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