2013: Survival

As predicted, it’s not the end of the world but a time, instead, to reflect and think about if what we’re doing is bettering the world in any way. Sometimes art doesn’t seem like the best path to contribute something great, but I would argue, at least for a few more years, to see the end of the Atlas Metamorphosis project in 2016…

2012 saw a lot of growth in mankind with monumental advances such as the famous Higg’s Boson confirmed by CERN, and Curiosity landing on Mars finding traces of microbial life in some of the rocks it shot with its laser. 2012 is also said by some astronomers to be the definitive end of the constellation alignments of Pisces and thus the beginning of the Astrological calendar age of Aquarius. It’s amazing how much I refuse Astrology yet, I read about what 2013 holds for Aries, my sign, and it predicts everything I’ve been preparing for this year. In 2013 I do feel I will undergo the effects of a lot of work I’ve put in for many years. I sense great change for the better. An end to a phase that’s lasted for 3 years since the lucid dream that started the Metamorphosis project back in 2010. It’s been a great ride so far, but at times, a never-ending nightmare.

I created 80 fine art pieces in 2012, not counting all the freelance artwork I did that kept me alive. I wanted to produce close to 100 while improving my craft, so I feel this was pretty close and not gonna beat myself up like I use to.

The Prophesy

My goal is now to exceed 100 fine artworks this year while improving quality and gaining substantial representation. Other than to produce 25% more, I’ve jumped through all the hoops: Artist statement, bio, resume, achievements/awards documents are all ready, and most importantly -the consistent portfolio. Now I’m working on a list of galleries I’m about to start talking to.

This is all the while my company .5o6 has plans to expand to more stores outside of Houston. Now that the portfolios are there, taking all my works to a national level is choice. Houston is just a starting point on a long quest that I will never tire from.

So if I want to go national how is this a pupa stage where the worm sleeps? Seems I’m more active than ever.

My fears have gone to sleep. No longer am I squirming and writhing with existential anxiety. I’m becoming comfortable with where I am getting and who I’m becoming. I’m losing all doubt and fear at this point. Nothing can stop me from the pull of gravity into the event horizon that is my destiny. We’re not only going to survive, we’re going to dominate.

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