2012: Apocalypse Please

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Okay, do the math, the world will far out live us, so the only thing that might end is our monkey asses if we don’t all get involved in bettering ourselves and the world around us.

A time to reflect, indeed, and try to make realistic goals we can stick to that will get us where we need to be. For me, that goal is more financial stability while still being my own boss. Like most starving artists, I need to sell more art, more frequently. I need to streamline my business and pull in more jobs and orders if I’m not going to eventually sink. If I wasn’t forced to worry about money, I am actually completely happy with ever other aspect of my life. Kinda sad that money has to be such a burden.

So here’s a general list of suggestions and things I need to work on the most:

  1. Cut Off The Wrong People. People who create drama and perpetuate negativity. You can only lift them up for so long before their dead weight drags you down and sinks your ship. One thing I am sure of, I CAN do it on my own, and I certainly don’t need anyone who’s telling me I need them to survive, even if you think I do.
  2. Make Your Own Choices, learn from other’s mistakes. Look around you. Who’s doing good? What did they do? And see who’s not even making it off the runway…there’s a difference in work ethic isn’t there?
  3. Do What Works For YOU.  I know now that t-shirt design and selling my brand is really the only thing that worked at all in 2011 so I need to push that.
  4. Enjoy The Ride. It’s the journey not the final destination. I am most happy when creating or performing so I’m going to do that and anything/anyone that gets in the way, please refer back to #1.
  5. You’re Here For A Reason. If you haven’t found your place, try something totally new, you must find out why you’re here as we all have something great to offer the world. If you have found it, put in the extra hours to make yourself perform at optimal power.
  6. Don’t Get So Upset When Things Fail. F*#k man, what else can I say, this is hard.

Okay, enough of all the motivational crap. You know what’s best for you is the main point…write it down, it helps. On the other hand I had a kickass New Years!
Here’s some pic’s:

New Years Eve was a blast beat from hell and I enjoyed every minute of being on stage doing the cover band Human Zoo and doing more impromptu Illustrate The End, my pet project. I feel much in my element when I’m on stage these days. New developments for this year’s Armageddon include:

Shows In January:

Also on the way is the projected release of my Worm album. This and hopefully a 3rd large scale fully detailed Worm image are to be featured in an art show I am putting together for March 31, 2012 at my studio El Rincon Social 3210 Preston St. I will feature my album release, paintings, illustrations, prints on paper and t-shirts as well as featuring the following artists:

David Salinas
Daniel Anguilu
Michael Draper
Heather Gordy
Gian Palacios-Świątkowski
Vincent Fink
+ maybe one more…

Sounds by:
Illustrate The End

Ok now I gotta stop conceptualizing the new year/artshows/birthday party and get some work done. I’m feeling good about this year as my plans develop, I see progress. I see the capacity in myself to make life better and thus, I see it in mankind and beneath my anger with the idiots around me, I am a philanthropist as well as many other things.

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