
Atlas Tree

I keep coming back to this place. It’s another realm I can escape and reflect. We ride on the atlas boat to the old dead cherry blossom tree to see Atlas beetles on the wing.


Where do you draw it from? Inspiration comes from the universe and the people around you. Enjoy this chance you have only once. click image for larger view: 8″ x 10″ with frame acrylic on old oil-field photo $75 email me about purchasing this piece


“Air” 10 x 10 in. acrylic on board $75 email me about purchasing this piece

beetle love

I was away from my beloved machines for 2 days and so I finally tried a new medium I’ve been wanting to try again for a long time. I really enjoyed it. Working with washes has been a natural gravitation for me with acrylics and … Continue readingbeetle love


This is the almost complete version. I blended the scales into the geometry smoothly before taking to Glitter Karaoke, where you can see it in person for the rest of the month. “Pumpkin-seed Sunfish” 10″x10″ acrylic on board $175 email me about purchasing this piece