
This spider I snapped a shot of from my backyard is a Venusta Orchard Spider. A very beautiful being that you should not kill if you see one. Here’s a couple photos of recent events. It contains a couple pic’s from The Big Show at … Continue readingBalance

Impossible Geometry

How do you navigate around a shape that is hyper-dimensional? What if walking forward brought you backwards? What if “up” brought you back “down”? And, what if I told you that this kind of geometry exists? Here’s a 2D representation of such a thing and … Continue readingImpossible Geometry

Edge of Chaos

I don’t say it’s done until I know for sure or if Gian Palacios tells me to back away from the painting. That hasn’t happened yet, but I’m starting to think I’ve made it to the finish line…now I have to wait a few days … Continue readingEdge of Chaos

edge of chaos

getting close to done with this piece that takes up a good portion of my room. this is a city that builds it’s self.


This is the almost complete version. I blended the scales into the geometry smoothly before taking to Glitter Karaoke, where you can see it in person for the rest of the month. “Pumpkin-seed Sunfish” 10″x10″ acrylic on board $175 email me about purchasing this piece